Retirement Budget Calculator

Retirement Budget Calculator

Monthly Retirement Expense Calculator

Enter monthly retirement income in US Dollars: $

Click this button to convert Dollars to Thai Baht:

Monthly income in Thai Baht:

Accommodations / Utilities: Thai Baht

Transportation: Thai Baht

Food: Thai Baht

Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine: Thai Baht

Laundry: Thai Baht

Out of Pocket Health Care: Thai Baht

Entertainment: Thai Baht

Reading and Education: Thai Baht

Personal Care Products: Thai Baht

Insurance: Thai Baht

Miscellaneous: Thai Baht

How to use the retirement budget calculator

fistfull-of-cashThis retirement budget calculator is so you can see, based on normal averages, what you COULD spend on monthly expenses and still stay stay within your monthly retirement budget. You can adjust some for your specific need, but remember, if you add to one than you will have less somewhere else!

As you will see with many videos I will talk about Category budgets. These I have divided into the following groups:

  • Category 1- This is an income of between $500 and $750 US Dollars.  Here we look for cheap Southeast Asian accommodation, transportation and food.
  • Category 2- This is an income of between $750 and $1000 US Dollars.  Here we look for moderate priced Southeast Asian accommodation, transportation and food.
  • Category 3- This is an income over $1000 US Dollars.Here we look for very comfortable Southeast Asian accommodation, transportation and food with the same Western Standards you get back home.

As you can imagine, the choices on how much money can be spent on various expenses changes dramatically. I hope this helps as you watch the videos to imagine where you fit in and what lifestyle you will have. As you will see, even people living on a category 1 budget can live a very comfortable life
